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It can be difficult to battle a feeling of afternoon fatigue after eating lunch. Maybe you’ll feel scattered and overwhelmed, or maybe you’ll just be too busy and stressed out to take advantage of your body’s natural restorative powers. Here are a few tips to try before you jump to try an afternoon treatment.


Start your day with water, and end your meal with water. Despite the multitude of calories in a typical meal, the most important thing you’ll consume is water. Then what you’ll drink will become almost as important as what you eat. Make sure to drink water between meal times to prevent the “meal sodium blues.” And most importantly, drink those eight to ten glasses of water that you’re supposed to get after the meal. This will help keep your blood pressure and internal cilia steady during the rest of the day.

Black out your room. Yes, the office won’t let you completely black out, but if you completely cut out all sources of artificial light, you’ll block out the extreme progression of the ageing process. During the ageing process, the palms of your hands and the soles of your feet, as well as the top of your head and the back of your hand reach a critical mass of ageing. Black out your room and you block out the excessive Candida yeast that Attacks at night. This attack can be deadly. When your body replies to outside light by coating the top of your head and back with wrinkles, you’re ready for an attack of night blindness. Believe me, you want to attack the yeast but you’re blind to the one that’s attacking you.

Eat protein with every meal. For those who love meat and hate fish, there are a few breakfast, lunch, and dinner options to consider. Eat beef, lamb, chicken, or turkey with every meal. With a little extra effort you can veer away from chicken and go with turkey bacon and gravy, chicken fried chicken, and a side of pancake or cheese with everything. No bread, butter, or muffins… Think lighter, veer away from the potatoes, and the problem of weight gain during the day goes away.


For lunch consider two items that you most definitely need: A tuna salad and a turkey sandwich. tuna has the good fats in it along with the protein, and no GMO’s either. Plus, take advantage of the healthy carbs in the afternoon such as fresh fruit. Thanksgiving should be considered a day of healing and renewal with this much needed re-fuel.

12 PM, unwind with a cup of herbal tea. I also highly recommend herbal teas by now. It’s better to drink an herbal tea, than to gulp down a cocktail or a shot. With the popularity of drinking herbal tea, you’ll find many varieties. Find the one that’s right for you.

Finally, at 12:30, it’s time to take a stroll down the lounge for another round at the jukebox, but don’t stop in the middle of the night, as that can cause your insomnia to strike again.

Notch it up for another 4 hours and you’ll have more energy to do the next day’s chores. It’s huh labelling, labelling, labelling… In other words, make it easy for the important things in your life to happen. So while you’re reading this, the Fat Burning ircauses are doing the rounds on the walls, and the Fat Burning muscles are having a good time, hopefully getting your juices flowing and set to their own brew. Good health and wellbeing to you all.

Marina misses the ‘filling’ part of a workout but the belly dancing never steered from her heart.