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You need to find the balance in your diet that allows you to feel good and to have fun at the same time. The key to making your diet work for you is to make sure that you are eating foods that suit your lifestyle.

The key to your success is having the patience to allow your body to adjust to what you are doing to it. If you were a chubby teenager, you may have very little chance of keeping weight off as you grow older. However, if you follow the strategies in this article, you will find that you can continue to eat foods that you are suited to eat, without any risks to your health.

You may start your day with an orange or a bowl of cereal. The bowl contains many nutrients and minerals that your body needs to get the day going. Other choices of breakfast will include a bowl of whole grain cereal or a bowl of low fat milk with banana. Another cereal, fruit or yogurt and a small serving of grains. The recommended daily intake of cereal is 1/2 to 1 cup daily.

bowl of cereal

We are designed to eat several small meals throughout the day. However, your body needs more than twenty four hours to receive the necessary nutrients to function properly. Eating five to six small meals is beneficial to your health. Also, by eating breakfast, you start your day off right. Characterized by hunger pangs, you will feel more energized throughout the day.

Water is an essential part of your diet. If you will not take in enough water each day, you can add several cups of the clear, colorless water to your diet. Water is beneficial to the body for many reasons. If you don’t drink enough water, your urinary system can not cleanse itself resulting in health issues. Some of the benefits of drinking enough water daily are a contributing factor to weight loss, reducing bloating, helping stroke victims, and reducing the risk of cancer.

Not enough can interfere with your sleep. The body needs eight hours of rest, however, for proper brain function, the brain needs eight hours of oxygen. Therefore, if you are not getting enough oxygen, your brain will not function properly and you will not be able to think clearly and form complete sentences. However, the upside is that you will sleep better.


Exercise is another component of having a healthy lifestyle. Know that without exercise, your life is being controlled byifty percent of your body and only 40 percent of it is active. Therefore, you need to reduce the amount of your time spent in front of a television, or computer, by fifty percent and make time to exercise each day. Many people believe that exercising will make them put on weight, but the opposite is true.

The last component of the healthy lifestyle is a positive state of mind. Having a positive mental outlook will assist you in accomplishing the remaining four components of the healthy lifestyle. Therefore, if you can keep a clear mind, and are positive, you can succeed.

Each of you must examine yourself and determine if you need to undertake the complete four components of the healthy lifestyle. Therefore, each of us needs to determine what those components are which may include:

Healthy Foods – Limit your intake of foods that are high in fat, and include more foods that are high in fiber such as whole grains and fruits. Do not fully substitute artificial sweeteners for sugar, as they have a myriad of potential side effects both of which are detrimental to good health. Limit your intake of foods that are high in fat, and increase your intake of fresh (uncooked) fruits and vegetables (which have anti-oxidants).

Exercise – Exercise helps to build muscle, is a good way to burn fat, and improve fitness. If you need to lose weight, exercise at least three times per week, for a minimum of 30 minutes each time. Exercising just three times per week will not give your body the consistent micro-trauma it needs to continue to remain healthy. The study of anatomy and exercise has taught us that maintaining a healthy digestive tract is the base of our ultimate health. Therefore, it is more important to maintain a healthy digesting system than to exercise only to maintain your weight.


Proper Rest – Proper rest at night is essential to better health. When we rest, a portion of our bodily antioxidant stores are wiped out and that can lead to weight gain as well. The average modern lifestyle, filled with stress, work, family, and countless other situations, deprives many of the much needed resting time. The best way to counteract this is to establish a bedtime schedule, and try to make sure to get in at least eight hours of sleep each night.

Exercise can be a necessary adjunct to a healthy lifestyle, as proven when the working day is stressful.