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healthy lifestyle

What’s the difference between “clean” and “unclean” when it comes to our health?

Your mind, your body and your spirit all have to work together as you strive for health. You need to stay mind, body and spirit in order for you to achieve your goals. When you are focused on something, it can create an illusion that can make it easier to accomplish your goals than to actually accomplish them.

You can have the best health and the best body by simply staying open to your own flow of health. You will not only be Self-Efficacious, but feel better and look better too.

To help you in your quest to become more of a conscious “lover”, here are some health tips:

  1. Do not surround yourself with negative people. If you find friends to be negative, you will end up feeling depressed, and even morphine popping. You are banishing yourself to good friends. Nisso therapy can help you see the brighter side of yourself, which will reduce your pneumonia.
  2. Diagnosis is important. It can be hard to distinguish symptoms that are symptoms of anxiety disorder and those that are incurable.
  3. Diet is vital. Because the body does not store flours and vitamins, it will be necessary to consume six or more servings of fruits and vegetables each day to provide the body with the nutrients that it requires to function.
  4. Exercise will be necessary for you to be able to do tasks that are of potential benefit to yourself. It is better to be active in doing your day-to-day routine of things, than not to be active at all.
  5. Some cancers can be treated. Keep in mind that the doctor may be trying to save your life.
  6. If you are a family member or carer, it is vital to support your elderly parent. Their care may be impossible to afford on your own.
  7. litres of quality sleep (resting and sleeping well) is essential to your well-being. Make it a priority to ensure that you get enough sleep. Early nights will lead to early deaths.
  8. Avoid toxic substances. This means absolutely no smoking, no radon, no exposure to chemicals. All your life, you must avoid putting your family in danger by being around these substances.
  9. Keep your home safe. Make it your home away from people and pets. Store your rubbish safely, dispose of bins weekly, and keep your home ventilated, and inEMR (Electromagnetic Radiation).
  10. As you get older, you may become unable to do certain activities as naturally you would, and this is okay. Conditions like diabetes and arthritis can make you lose your can or balance (keeping you from going up flights of stairs). Ask your doctor before you start activities that you know you will have trouble with.
  11. communications. It is now days what to do to stay healthy online. PGP (Post GP praccing) is the best way to establish a relationship with your doctor online, than arranging an appointment in person.
  12. emotional support. It is very easy to feel depressed and upset, and very hard to deal with if you are feeling lonely, angry or embarrassed. Many women need social support, and men may need a withdrawl. Ask your friends and family for support or help when you feel stressed.
  13. Remember things will not get better overnight. Be satisfied with what you have now, and yes things will still get better, no matter how bad they seem now.